Jump to a specific Day | |
(Day 1) | (Day 2) |
(Day 1) |
0800-0900 |
Registration of participants |
0900-0905 |
Welcome and address |
0900-0930 |
Official Opening Ceremony |
0930-0950 |
Refreshment Break |
0950-1005 | |
0950-1055 | |
1005-1025 |
Overview of Stroke in Mauritius20 Mins
Harrish Reesaul
1025-1040 |
Public Health Measures for Prevention of Stroke15 Mins
Sudhir Kowlessur
1040-1055 |
Q&A15 Mins |
1055-1125 | |
1055-1230 | |
1125-1140 |
Role of Neurosurgery in the Management of Stroke15 Mins
Koku Sossou Koussougbo
1140-1200 | |
1200-1215 | |
1215-1230 |
Q&A Discussion15 Mins |
1230-1310 |
Lunch |
1310-1420 | |
1325-1355 | |
1340-1325 | |
1355-1410 | |
1410-1425 |
Q&A Discussion15 Mins |
1425-1445 | |
1425-1555 | |
1445-1500 | |
1500-1515 | |
1515-1530 | |
1530-1545 | |
1545-1555 |
Q&A Discussion30 Mins |
1555-1615 |
Tea Break |
1615-1630 | |
1615-1715 | |
1630-1645 | |
1645-1700 |
Post-stroke dysphagia and dysphasia15 Mins
Mrs Rachna Sungkur
1700-1715 |
Q&A Discussion & Close15 Mins |
(Day 2) |
0800-0900 |
Registration |
0900-0915 | |
0900-0945 | |
0915-0930 | |
0930-0945 |
Q&A Discussion15 Mins |
0945-1015 |
Tea Break |
1015-1030 |
Stroke care in Mauritius: historical perspective15 Mins
Dr. Arvindsing RamchurnMauritius
1015-1115 |
Acute Stroke Care |
1015-1205 | |
1030-1100 |
Mauritian stroke pathways30 Mins
Dr. Harrish ReesaulMauritius
1100-1115 |
Q&A Discussion15 Mins |
1115-1120 |
Neurologist: role in stroke team, barriers and opportunities5 Mins
Dr. Arvindsing RamchurnMauritius
1115-1205 |
Acute and Rehabilitation Stroke Care in Mauritius - the role of interdisciplinary medical team members in stroke management. |
1120-1125 |
Internal Medicine: role in stroke team, barriers and opportunities5 Mins
Dr. Jaynandra Kumar Singh DusowothMauritius
1125-1130 |
Radiologist: role in stroke team, barriers and opportunities5 Mins
Dr. Ateelesh MangrooMauritius
1130-1135 |
ICU: role in stroke team, barriers and opportunities5 Mins
Dr. Meetheelesh Kumar Abeeluck.Mauritius
1135-1140 |
Occupational Therapist: role in stroke team, barriers and opportunities5 Mins
Mrs. Selvina ChemenMauritius
1140-1145 |
Physiotherapist: role in stroke team, barriers and opportunities5 Mins
Mrs Gitanjali Vandana RamdinMauritius
1145-1150 |
Importance of exercise post stroke: barriers and opportunities5 Mins
Dr. Adisha BholahMauritius
1150-1205 |
Q&A Discussion15 Mins |
1205-1305 |
Lunch |
1305-1315 | |
1305-1445 | |
1315-1325 |
Importance of Nutrition post Stroke10 Mins
Mrs. Leela MoothoosamyMauritius
1325-1335 |
Importance of Stroke Awareness for early identification: what is new in Mauritius10 Mins
Mr. Rizwan ChumrooMauritius
1335-1345 | |
1345-1355 |
Building the Daily Living skills for Person with Stroke (Autonomy & Independence)10 Mins
Mrs. Selvina ChemenMauritius
1355-1400 |
Carer Fatigue & Care Education and its impact on stroke recovery5 Mins
Mrs. Selvina ChemenMauritius
1400-1415 |
Resources available for stroke survivors and secondary prevention:role of social services15 Mins
Dr. Shiv SeegobinMauritius
1415-1425 |
End of life care: respite and palliative care of stroke patients10 Mins
Dr. Inayat Sameer MowlahMauritius
1425-1445 |
Q&A Discussion20 Mins |
1445-1515 |
Tea Break |
1515-1525 | |
1515-1545 | |
1525-1535 | |
1535-1545 |
Q & A Discussion10 Mins |
1545-1600 |
Brainstorming on the resources to be mobilized for implementation of a Stroke Registry in Mauritius: A multi-stakeholder approach for secondary and tertiary prevention15 Mins
Dr. Marie France Chan SunMauritius
1545-1630 | |
1600-1605 |
Snapshot: Stroke-related Training and Research Development at the UoM in collaboration with Key Stakeholders5 Mins
Dr. Marie France Chan SunMauritius
1605-1615 | |
1615-1620 | |
1620-1630 |
Q&A Discussion10 Mins |
1630-1700 | |
1700-1715 |
Closing ceremony |
Vasileios-Arsenios Lioutas Assistant Professor of Neurology, Vascular Neurology Fellowship Program Director
- Global epidemiology of stroke: risk factors, burden and temporal trends[...]
- Management of acute ischemic stroke - focus on thrombolysis[...]
- Post-stroke seizures and epilepsy[...]
- Post-stroke cognitive impairment[...]
- Top 3 Stroke Papers 2020-2024[...]
- Psychological implication of stroke: impact on stroke survivors, families and caregivers[...]
Dr. Lioutas is a Vascular Neurologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School. He serves as the Director of the Vascular Neurology Fellowship program at the BIDMC. His research interests include the epidemiology of stroke, and he is an Investigator at the Framingham Heart Study. Dr. Lioutas is also an alumnus of the first class of the World Stroke Organization's Future Leaders Program and has significant interest in the global aspects of stroke. He spearheaded the effort for establishment of the first stroke unit and thrombolysis services in Ethiopia in 2021-2022. Under the auspices of the WSO he organized and led a hands-on workshop on stroke care in the context of the 3rd African Stroke Organization Conference in 2023. He has several ongoing stroke clinical research collaborations in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Egypt.

Mark Bayley Professor and Program Medical Director mark.bayley@uhn.caMark Bayley is Program Medical Director & Physiatrist-in-Chief at UHN-Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. He is a Professor at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine at University of Toronto in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,. He holds the Coriat Family Chair in Rehabilitation Innovations at the University Health Network.
His Research has three foci:
ii) Improving outcomes through ensuring implementation of best practice guidelines eg. and smartphone app to determine post stroke arm rehabilitation (
iii) Studies of early predictive assessment tools that are determinants of outcomes such as early AlphaFIM score

Jörg Wissel Professor, MD, FRCP Stroke Continuum of Care: From the acute care setting to care in the community: a neurologist perspective[...]
- Epidemiology, pathophysiology and importance of Early identification of Spasticity[...]
- Future developments in Stroke Recovery: from early identification, intervention and to robotics (Robotics, vagus nerve stimulation, PONS therapy, spinal cord stimulation)[...]
Prof. Jörg Wissel, MD, FRCP is a specialist in Neurorehabilitation, Movement Disorders and Botulinumtoxin treatment. He is board certified Neurologist, Rehabilitation specialist and Psychotherapist and authored more than 135 original articles. Since 2012 he is head of the Department Neurorehabilitation and Physical Therapy at Vivantes Hospital Spandau in Berlin, Germany. Since 2000 he is Professor of Neurology and member of the faculty at University of Innsbruck, Austria. Since 2010 he is also Professor of Neurology at University of Potsdam, Germany. He was Member of the Board of the German Neurorehabilitation Society, scientific advisor of the German Dystonia Society (patient association) and was chair of the German Botulinumtoxin User Group of the German Society of Neurology (AK-Btx of the DGN). Since 2022 he is Director and member of the board of the International Neurotoxin Association (INA) and chair of the Spasticity Sudy Group of the Movement Disorder Society (MDS).
Stefano Carda Deputy head at the Neurorehabilitation & neuropsychology service at Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland,
stefano.carda@chuv.chStefano Carda MD, obtained his medical degree and PhD at University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy and his PM&R graduation from the University of Insubria, Italy.
He currently holds the position of Deputy head at the Neurorehabilitation & neuropsychology service at Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, where he leads the Spasticity program. Member of ToxNet group and co-leads the Educational Committee of CANOSC.
He is also Senior Lecturer at the University of Lausanne and responsible for post-graduate teaching in neurorehabilitation.
His main field of interest and research are spasticity treatment, ultrasound guidance, spinal cord injuries and neuromotor rehabilitation.
He has authored and co-authored more than 60 peer-reviewed papers and several book chapters.

Thierry Deltombe Professor
thierry.deltombe@chuuclnamur.uclouvain.beProfessor Thierry Deltombe is the head of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation department at the CHU UcL Namur site Godinne of the well-known Université de Louvain (UcL) in Belgium. He is the Past- President of the Belgian PM&R scientific society and a member of the executive committee of the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine. He also lead the Toxnet group composed for an international panel of expert in spasticity management.
For 20 years, he is the head of an interdisciplinary group devoted to the spasticity treatment. The group also includes a neurosurgeon (Prof. T. Gustin), three orthopaedic surgeons (Drs F. Bom, D. Hadj-Sadok and D. Wautier), an anaesthesist (Dr. M. Fostier), a neurologist (Prof. M. Ossemann) and a rehab team. He published more than 60 papers dealing neurorehabilitation, spasticity assessement (diagnostic nerve block) and spasticity treatments (botulinum toxin, neurotomy and interdisciplinary management).

Eleanor Elisabeth Mohith-de Muinck Keizer Dr (GP) EE Mohith graduated from Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Medical Faculty in 1988. She later completed her General Practitioner (GP) training, GP Vocational Training Scheme (VTS), and earned a Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DRCOG) in the United Kingdom. Dr. Mohith has held various positions, including long-term GP locums in Buckinghamshire and surrounding areas.
Since her move to Mauritius in 2003, her professional scope has encompassed a private practice GP at Clinique Darne, a school doctor, a food company GP, Artemis Hospital GP, and Therapy Horses EquiRx.
In 2015, Dr. Mohith founded Therapy Horses EquiRx, a part-time rehabilitation service that utilizes a psychomotor-centric model with trained horses and animals to enhance functional independence. The service collaborates with allied health professionals to ensure tailored, evidence-based care. Her focus on animal-assisted rehabilitation reflects her dedication to holistic patient care.
Rajiv Reebye Professor
Rajiv Reebye- Strategies to minimizing territoriality and maximizing collaborative approaches in stroke care setting[...]
- Multi-modal approach in spasticity management: definition and importance[...]
- Strategies to enhance patient care and development of stroke pathway through WHO World Rehabilitation Alliance Health Policy and Systems Research[...]
I am a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Professor at the University of British Columbia, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
I am very involved in curriculum design with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and also Fellowship Director of the Neurorehabilitation and Spasticity programs at UBC. I am the chair of the Mauritius stroke workshop/confernce.
Ms Heather Dow
hdow@eventsmgt.comHeather Dow, CPhT, CAE, CPC(HC), HPDE, HMCC is the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director/CEO for the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (CAPM&R), Canadian Association of Pathologists-Association canadiennes des pathologistes (CAP-ACP), the Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Association (CSCI-RA) and Canadian Advances in Neuro-Orthopedics for Spasticity Consortium (CANOSC).
Heather chairs the CEO Roundtable of Canadian National Medical Organizations, contributes to the Community of Interest Working Group for the Coalition for Physician Learning and Practice Improvement, participates in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada CPD Accreditation Committee (RCPSC), Rapid Response Team – CPD, and the RCPSC National Specialty Summit Committee for the National Accreditation Conference.
Internationally, Heather is a member of the Workforce Committee for the World Rehabilitation Alliance under the World Health Organization and a Management Committee member for the Center for Promotion of Rehabilitation Medicine and Disability Research in Yaoundé, Cameroon. She collaborates with the Ministry of Health and Wellness in Mauritius focusing on education and research.
A sought-after speaker for national and international scientific and medical education conferences, Heather addresses topics related to technology use with synchronous and asynchronous delivery platforms. Her contributions extend to several published peer-reviewed journal articles in both physical medicine and rehabilitation and pathology specialties.