Congratulations to the first recipients of the Mary Anne Keenan Prize!
Congratulations to Sinforian Kambou, from the Institute of Applied Neurosciences and Functional Rehabilitation, and Michael Temgoua, from the Bethesda Hospital of Yaoundé, who are our first recipients of the Mary Anne Keenan Prize in Collaborative Care.
About The Awards
CANOSC is pleased to offer two awards in honour of two pioneers in neuro-orthopedics:
- Professor Emeritus Mary Anne Keenan Prize (Collaborative Care)
- Professor Phillippe Denormandie Prize (Neurosurgical)
Application consists of an essay competition in the field of neuro-orthopedics.
These prizes will consist of a $1,000 CAD stipend, accommodation and registration to attend our yearly CANOSC congress (Typically held in May).
The essay should review a topic relevant to spasticity including but not limited to: treatment, collaborative care, neuro-orthopedics etc…
The submission will be graded according to content, originality, thoroughness of the literature review, style and organization. The essay, in either of French or English, should not exceed 4,000 words (excluding references) and be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words.
- Writing must be concise, clear, and grammatically correct.
- Authors are encouraged to include a statement that describes the potential translational impact of the study results.
- Technical information pertaining to observations and conclusions cannot be withheld for proprietary reasons. It is not acceptable to state that “”results will be discussed””.
- All abbreviations should be defined when first used.
- If used, references should be given in parentheses without authors or title by provided Index-Medicus-listed Journal abbreviations without punctuation followed by the year, volume number and inclusive page numbers. (Example: CJP 2012; 35:151-169).
Awards categories:
- Resident physicians, or surgeon in training
- Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary team members.
Submit applications here
Deadline: December 10